Applications and references

Technological units

Customized solution engineering
Supply of technologies
Service and consulting
Delivery of all technologies

Application of technological units

We provide you with our expert know-how and a comprehensive range of products and services for an efficient and cost-effective separation and filtration of various types of suspensions.

ENVITES technology units serve a wide range of industries that deal with treatment of drinking, process or waste water. We supply technologies for wastewater treatment plants, manufacturing plants and industrial companies in the chemical, metallurgical and food industry.

Main areas of application

Production and treatment of process and drinking water

Chemical, metallurgical and food processing industry

Municipal wastewater treatment

Industrial wastewater treatment

Processing of raw materials and minerals

We will prepare a proposal for a technical solution, process project documentation and take care of the development and production of the device. In the last phase, we will deliver all the components to you and carry out their professional assembly. After installation, we will revive the technology and put it into trial operation. Throughout our cooperation, we will provide you with professional consultations. Regular service inspections of the delivered technology and fast warranty and post-warranty service are a matter of course for our services.


We deliver tiltable containers and container chassis in the Czech Republic and abroad. See the implemented applications at customers.

Neutralisation and decontamination plant - Diamo, Stráž pod Ralskem, CZ
  • 5x chamber filter press K1500/100
  • feeding pumps of filter presses
  • belt conveyors for cake transport
Neutralisation and decontamination plant - Diamo, Stráž pod Ralskem, CZ
  • 5x chamber filter press K1500/100
  • feeding pumps of filter presses
  • slurry buffer tanks, storage tanks for destilate, filtrate, wash water
  • pumps for destilate, filtrate, wash water
  • production of pressured air


Acid mine drainage, Filtration - Diamo, Stráž pod Ralskem, CZ
  • 8x chamber filter press K1500/100
  • capacity 46 t/h of slurry
  • feeding pumps, belt conveyors for cake transport
  • slurry buffer tanks, storage tanks (destilate, filtrate, acid)
  • mine water pumps, acid pumps
  • production of pressured air
Chemical industry - process water treatment
Pressure filtration - Synthesia a.s., CZ
  • Pressure sand filtration
  • 8 pcs sand filters with a diameter of 3 000 mm and 4 pcs with a diameter of 2 500 mm
  • Flow rate 750 m3/h
Galvanization - neutralization plant, CZ
  • River water treatment 30 m3/h
  • Lamella settlers, pH regulation, units for chemical preparation, lime management, storage tanks, continuous filtration, control system, etc.
Leaching and dewatering of blast furnace dust - Ecocoal/Liberty, Ostrava, CZ
  • Containerized solution
  • Chamber-membrane (mixpack) filterpresss KM800/40
  • Transport of filter cake
  • Leaching tank and subsequent technology
Drinking water treatment plant - DWTP Málinec, SK
  • Capacity of drinking water treatment plant 110 – 140 l/s
  • Lamella settlers, sludge thickeners, polymer make-up unit with dosing
  • Chamber filterpresss K800, feeding pumps, control system, etc.
Water treatment - Paper industry, CZ
  • Water treatment plant with capacity 600 m3/h
  • Waste water treatment plant with capacity 420 m3/h
  • Lamella settlers, pressure filtration, chemical management, storage tanks, supporting constructions, control system etc.
Water treatment - Chemical industry, CZ
  • Water treatment – source is river
  • Capacity of water treatment plant 300 m3/h
  • Lamella settlers, pressure filtration, chemical management, storage tanks for lime management, supporting constructions, control system etc.
Sludge thickening and dewatering - DWTP Lednice, CZ
  • 60 m3/day of sludge
  • Chamber filter press K800
  • Sludge thickening tanks
  • Polymer make-up unit with dosing pumps
Sector – Energetic industry
  • Maximum flow rate 1000 m3/h
  • Continuous sand filtration – 18 pcs of KPFH2450
  • Lamella sedimentation – purification of washing water from sand filter
  • Sludge management
Power station Chvaletice, CZ
  • Energetic industry
  • Maximum flow rate 300 m3/h
  • Preparation of chemicals
  • Coagulation and flocculation chambers
  • Continuous sand filtration – 4 pcs of KPFH2450
  • Lamella sedimentation – purification of washing water from sand filter
  • Sludge management
Scraping and extraction of the sludge in square tanks
  • 2× built-in segments in square tanks, each 15 m wide
  • Mobile sludge extractors
  • Capacity of sludge extractors 360 m3/h
Recycling of industrial water from coal washing
  • Combination of flocculation chamber, lamella sedimentation tank, and sludge scraping
  • Maximum flow rate – 730 m³/h
  • Flowrate of recycled industrial water– 500 m³/h
Dewatering of the sludge from water treatment
ÚV Zaječí, CZ
  • Sludge dewatering
  • Filter press K800/45, sludge thickening,
    chemical management
  • Treatment plant capacity 65 l/s of drinking water
Dewatering of the sludge from water treatment
Water treatment plant Plav, CZ
  • Dewatering of the sludge from acid clarification
  • Filter press K1200/110, sludge thickening, chemical management
  • Treatment plant capacity 300 m³/h of drinking water

Write us

Get complete process units for your water and industrial technologies. Email us. We will prepare the optimal solution design for your process applications. ENVITES, spol. s r.o. Brno – complex turnkey technological units.

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