Applications and references

Sand filtration– applications and references

Low operating costs
High filtration efficiency
A selection from several types
Custom-made optimization

Applications of sand filters

Sand filtration is intended for pre-purification and post-purification of surface and river water, industrial water, and cooling water. Filters whose filter medium consists of sand are also used in coagulation filtration. Sand filtration is widely used in all water management operations.

It is also used in apartment buildings and domestic wells to post-purify drinking water. Sand filtration is most widely used in the treatment of drinking water and in the energy industry, as well as in industrial fields and the food industry, where filtration treats the input water needed for production and the output wastewater.

Area of use

Purification of cooling water

Treatment of drinking water

Pre-purification of river water

Post-purification of industrial water

Pre-purification of surface water

ENVITES sand filtration is used by food producers, industrial manufacturing companies, paper mills, paint shops, and galvanizing plants. Furthermore, sand filtration is used in the automotive, heating, and energy industries. We will produce and deliver sand filtration and other technologies for sedimentation and wastewater clarification, sludge thickening, sludge extraction, and other equipment, and we will arrange transport, installation, and operator training.


We supply sand filters to all industries in the Czech Republic and abroad. Get inspiration, check out the selected references.

Chemical industry - process water treatment
Pressure filtration - Synthesia a.s., CZ
  • Pressure sand filtration
  • 8 pcs sand filters with a diameter of 3 000 mm and 4 pcs with a diameter of 2 500 mm
  • Flow rate 750 m3/h
Sector – Energetic industry
  • Maximum flow rate 1000 m3/h
  • Continuous sand filtration – 18 pcs of KPFH2450
  • Lamella sedimentation – purification of washing water from sand filter
  • Sludge management
Power station Chvaletice, CZ
  • Energetic industry
  • Maximum flow rate 300 m3/h
  • Preparation of chemicals
  • Coagulation and flocculation chambers
  • Continuous sand filtration – 4 pcs of KPFH2450
  • Lamella sedimentation – purification of washing water from sand filter
  • Sludge management
Municipal wastewater purification plant in Morocco
  • Tertiary degree
  • Maximum flow rate 260 m3/h
  • Preparation of chemicals
  • Continuous sand filtration – 4 pcs of KPFH2450 from AISI 316L

Write us

Get technology for effective pre- and post-purification of water. Invest in sand filtration. Send us an email with your request. We will get in touch with you and propose the best custom-made filtration solution. ENVITES, spol. s r. o. – specialists in the design, production, and installation of filter technologies.

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